In-Place Inclinometer New Generation


The HMA Geotechnical Model 7800 In-Place Inclinometer (IPI) is designed to provide real time lateral deflection monitoring without the manual labour aspect found with the use of the Model 7000 Digital Inclinometer. It consists of a string of MEMS sensors joined together by steel bay rods, allowing for a borehole profile to be measured.


The In-Place Inclinometer is installed within Inclinometer Casing (HMA Model 7040) and remains in-place for the life of a project. When the project monitoring requirements are complete, the IPI is removed and re-assembled at the next project location.

The body of an In-Place Inclinometer sensor connects to a bay rod, a steel extension that adjusts the resolution of the sensor depending on the length ordered. Sensors have cut-to-length electrical cable attached to match the supplied bay rods, these cannot be mixed.

An IPI string with 3 metre bay rods will not have the same sensitivity and resolution as an IPI string with 0.5 metre bay rods.

IPI strings are assembled on-site, at the inclinometer casing location. These cannot be shipped to site pre-assembled. After installation of the sensors is complete, the IPI string is directly connected to a data logger which will provide calculated data for analysis.


  • Slope stability
  • Open cut mines
  • Tailings dams
  • Bridge abutments
  • Tunnel openings
  • Unstable slopes
  • Embankments
  • Piles and caissons

Sensor Spacings Available

  • 500 mm
  • 1000 mm
  • 2000 mm
  • 3000 mm