Vibratory Equipment

Using laboratory test equipment, Carman engineers can evaluate process requirements, demonstrate equipment capability and develop specifications for production equipment. If preferred, rental equipment for plant site testing is available. If laboratory tested, Carman Spiral Elevators from HMA Materials Handling include a Process Warranty. By optimising operating efficiencies, Carman engineers are able to suggest the most economical equipment for your process. Standard flights are 3 mm thick steel alloy spun into an easy-to-clean helical shape, with sidewalls and radiused corners included.

Air from the pressurised centre tube is directed through nozzle jets across the product for heating or cooling. The air-handling package can be located at the top or bottom of the spiral tower. Jacketed flighting is available for conduction heating or cooling applications. Supply and discharge headers and high-pressure hose connectors are available, with control valves for zoned operation.