In terms of Temperature Measurement, HMA Instrumentation offers:

Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD Sensors): HMA Instrumentation has the necessary expertise, combined with a wide range of solutions, to meet diverse temperature-sensing needs. RTD probes are renowned for their stable, repeatable measurements and excellent performance in high levels of shock and/or vibration. The RTD sensor portfolio from HMA Instrumentation includes the fast-response PT100 class A, B, AA, 1/5, 1/10 DIN.

Thermocouple Sensors: HMA Instrumentation provide expertise and a wide range of solutions to meet your temperature sensing needs. Our Thermocouple sensor portfolio includes the fast response K, J, T and N types, as well as the high-temperature types R, S, and B measuring up to 1700°C.

Thermowell Sensors: Fabricated thermowells from Rototherm, distributed by HMA Instrumentation, are precision components manufactured to the highest quality standards from pipe, tube, and bar. These serve as protective devices for primary sensing elements of all types. A wide product range covers pressure, temperature, velocity, and corrosion resistance. These factors govern the size, shape, and selection of materials to ensure optimum dependability, response time and accuracy.