Flow Elements

Differential producers, specifically orifice plates, from HMA INSTRUMENTATION are used in flow measurement due to their simplicity, ease of installation, tolerance to extreme atmospheric and process conditions, and predictable and reliable performance. Orifice plates are the most common method of differential pressure flow measurement, and are used in various industries, particularly in the hydrocarbon sector. Due to their long history and dominance in the field of flow measurement, orifice plate designs and installation requirements have been well-documented by national and international standards organisations.

Orifice plates, flanges, and metering runs from HMA INSTRUMENTATION are used in a variety of applications where extremes of pressure, temperature, or the aggressive nature of the fluid being metered render other metering technologies unfeasible. Features include reliability, low cost, and ease of installation. Orifice products from HMA INSTRUMENTATION are used commonly as differential pressure devices for the measurement of the flow of fluids, especially for clear water, steam, air, and most gases.