Duplex Pressure Gauges: HMA Instrumentation offers a range of Duplex Pressure Gauges. These generally consist of two independent Bourdon tube movements, displayed by two separate pointers. The gauges are available in various sizes and materials, including Monel, brass, and stainless steel movements.

Vacuum Pressure Gauges: HMA Instrumentation offers a range of Vacuum Pressure Gauges. These gauges are available in various sizes and materials, such as Monel, brass and stainless steel.

Gauge Pressure Gauges: HMA Instrumentation offers a range of economically-priced 63 mm, 100 mm, and 150 mm nominal size pressure gauges. Pressure gauges from HMA Instrumentation are ideally suited to most industrial applications where accuracy and durability is required.

Absolute Pressure Gauges: HMA offers a range of quality absolute pressure gauges which are designed to reliably measure pressure. Our gauges come in various sizes and materials, such as Monel, brass and stainless steel movements just to mention a few.

Differential Pressure Gauges: HMA Instrumentation offers a range of quality differential pressure gauges designed to measure the difference in pressure between two points in a system. The gauge range from HMA Instrumentation is available in various sizes and materials, including Monel, brass and stainless steel.

Defence Specification Pressure Gauges: HMA Instrumentation’s Defence Specification Pressure Gauges are designed for naval and marine applications in accordance with Def Stan 66-2. These gauges from HMA Instrumentation have been designed to withstand a high shock level. In this regard, they are all manufactured in accordance with EN837 -1 shock and endurance testing specifications. Variants include an oil-free pressure gauge clean for oxygen duty, with the dial marked accordingly.

Submarine Depth Gauges: Submarine depth gauges available from HMA Instrumentation are manufactured to precise specifications for a diverse range of industries and applications. All HMA Instrumentation’s fully-qualified and experienced technicians and the associated calibration facility hold the necessary security clearances to enable the continued support and calibration of these essential devices.