Panametrics TransPort PT900 Portable Ultrasonic Liquid Flowmeter

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INS-DS-0344 TransPort PT900 Portable Flow Meter
INS-DS-0345 TransPort PT900 Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter

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The Panametrics TransPort PT900 from HMA Instrumentation is the next generation of portable ultrasonic flow meters. Powered by smart device technology, the TransPort PT900 f features an all-new clamping fixture, high-performance transmitter, rugged transducers and an intuitive tablet interface to allow for accurate measurements in just minutes. Available for short term rental, long term lease or to buy outright.

What happens when you combine the proven track record of the TransPort PT878, the TransPort PT900’s powerful predecessor, with the latest technology? You get performance, productivity and a better user experience. The TransPort PT900 from HMA Instrumentation is the next evolution, here to make your job easier than ever.

The Panametrics TransPort PT900 from HMA Instrumentation is portable, simple to use, accurate and fast. It’s easy to move it from location to location and task to task, so you can get more out of every minute of your day. And since it clamps onto the pipe exterior, there’s no need to cut into the pipe or stop the process while taking measurements.

From ultrapure to unfiltered water and refined hydrocarbons to crude oil, the rugged transducer of the Panametrics TransPort PT900 from HMA Instrumentation can handle most liquids and pipe sizes. Perfect for temporary measurements, spot metering and meter verification, it serves a wide range of industries, including: Oil and gas, water and wastewater, the chemical industry, power generation and food and beverage.

Contact our team to find out more about the Panametrics TransPort PT900, to buy outright, or for short or long term leasing options.