The greater Brisbane Council region has a large network of pressure reducing valves. All of these are telemetry directed and flow modulated. Put simply they turn the system’s pressure down when demand is low and turn it up when demand is high.
QUU utilise a flow/pressure modulation system management model whereby domestic and commercial water supply reticulation system pressure is increased with a respective increase in system flow demand and conversely pressure is decreased with a decrease in flow demand. This effectively negates pipe friction effects and delivers a relatively constant system pressure independent of flow demand.
A wastewater treatment company operated an oil/water separation facility on a multi-acre industrial site in Northern California. Its purpose was to recycle oil products for profit while at the same time providing a wastewater treatment service for industries based in Northern California.
HMA Ceramic Lined Butterfly Valves are the product of a synergy that combines the industry experience and technical knowledge of both the Flow & Industrial and Wear Solutions divisions. The objective was to create a something with the functionality and footprint of a standard butterfly valve but with the superior life expectancy of ceramic lined pipework while ensuring the solution remained cost effective for our clients.
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and collection facilities need to be protected against the dangers of combustible and toxic substances. This is the role of a fire and gas protection system as defined for WWTPs by NFPA® 820 and other standards organizations.