Klamflex Dismantling Joints
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FLO-DS-0060 Klamflex Dismantling Joints
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Manufactured to AWWA C219 under ISO 9001:2000, the Klamflex VARIplus-DJ Dismantling Joint Assembly from HMA Flow & Industrial is a double-flanged composite fitting featuring a telescopic action between a flanged spigot and a flange adaptor. The joint is designed to provide longitudinal adjustment in flanged pipe systems.
Dismantling Joints provide a simple method for the installation and removal of flanged valves, pumps, flow meters, flanged pipes and pipe fittings. Tie rods are provided for final anchoring and location. These also double as mating flange jointing bolts, reducing the number required.
The Klamflex Dismantling Joint range from HMA Flow & Industrial will not necessarily be the same as the mating flange. Flanges and flange adaptors will not be subject to full end or side thrust, most of which is absorbed by the flexibility in the rubbing gaskets.