
HMA Indonesia Management Team Visit

2017-11-29T00:44:20+11:00September 8th, 2016|

The HMA Management team recently visited our HMA Indonesia office in Jarkata.  Along with a few internal meetings the team presented HMA Group's complete products and services to a number local customers.  Complementing our internal customer presentations some of the team also made a number external sales visits.  We are now looking forward to some

HMA Group & Eriez at Mining Indonesia

2017-11-29T23:10:13+11:00October 14th, 2015|

HMA Group's Indonesian office recently exhibited at the Mining Indonesia expo in JI-EXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta.  The expo took place between 9 -12 September 2015 and HMA were accompanied by our principal Eriez Mining. The event is the largest trade show for the mining industry in Indonesia and was beneficial in spreading the word of HMA Group's