The CHPP Maintenance and process team at a Rio Tinto’s Hail Creek CHPP reached a significant milestone of 2000 day lost time injury free.
The last incident that stopped a person returning to normal duties the next day was in January 2012. (5 ½ years year ago)
On average HMA currently supply 8 men every 6 weeks to assist with vital maintenance including completing some high-risk works.
Below is a statement from our client:
“This record is a fantastic result, and one that has been reached with the help of your contracting companies. We really do appreciate the good work and safety behaviours that your team have while working here.”
In a time when competition is fierce and the temptation to cut corners may be hard to resist HMA truly believe in safety above all else and a commitment to achieving Zero Harm. We are therefore very proud to have been part of such an excellent record.