On July 12th-15th, 2016, HMA Geotechnical received a visit from representatives of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia. The three guests were Mr. Tego Lenggono, Mr. Achmad Saepulloh, and Mr. Muhammad Roni. The aforementioned gentlemen are from Balai Diklat Tambang Bawah Tanah (Underground Mine Training Center; or BDTBT), Indonesia. BDTBT is one of a unit or institution that operates under Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, which has the main responsibility of conducting competency-based training in the field of underground mines. The visit itself was a culmination of procurements made for geotechnical instruments that are applicable to underground mines.
During the visit, our guests were given in-depth training relating to the various instruments they had purchased, such as rod extensometer, wire extensometer, tape extensometer, hydraulic load cells, borehole stress meter, convergence monitor, cable bolts, its readouts and dataloggers. The training mainly focused on instrument selection, function, working principle, installation, data reading and data reduction. After training, our guests were given an opportunity to view the HMA Geotechnical manufacturing facilities, getting a better understanding of the capability and working standards of the company.
The training and the visit has been a major success and we hope that it will strengthen the relationship between the two institutions in the future.