Leakwise PS-220 Analog Controller
More Information
INS-DS-0121 Ash Meter
INS-DS-0122 Leakwise Overview Brochure
INS-DS-0074 PS 220 Analog Controller
INS-CS-0033 Above Ground Oil Storage Tanks
INS-CS-0034 Groundwater Remediation
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INS-DS-0036 BMRX Rotary Level Indicator
INS-CS-0037 Hydro Electric Power Plants
INS-CS-0038 Power Generation Plants
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INS-DS-0040 Density Meter DIMF
INS-CS-0041 Transportation
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The PS-220 Analog Leakwise Controller is a power supply and signal processor that interfaces with a single (1) Leakwise ID-220 Series Sensor to report hydrocarbons
spill/leak alerts, including layer buildup and thickness, to users via outputs interfaces for local or remote reporting. The PS-220 has a well-proven reliability and is cost effective for a basic monitoring system. It can be AC or DC line powered. Typical PS-220 and Leakwise ID-220 Series Sensor applications include oil spill/leak monitoring in tank farm sumps, discharge from wastewater treatment plants, hydrocarbon pipeline pumping stations, hydroelectric and fossil fuel power plants, transformer substations, groundwater monitoring wells, remediation sites, etc.